PAR-22-112 Urgent Award: COVID-19 Mental Health Research (R01 Clinical Trial Required)

NIMH is issuing this FOA in response to the declared public health emergency issued by the Secretary, HHS, for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). See "Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists Nationwide as the Result of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus" as renewed in "Renewal of the Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists Nationwide as the Result of the Continued Consequences of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic". This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) aims to address urgent, time-sensitive mental health research questions related to COVID-19, including broader secondary impacts of the pandemic as well as research on the intersection of mental health, COVID-19, and HIV. Research supported will improve public health in the near term by informing responses to the current pandemic through rapid acceleration of research to address access, reach, delivery, effectiveness, scalability and sustainability of health assessments and interventions to respond to new and worsening mental illness and HIV-related outcomes among those who experience COVID-19 as well as the broader population impacted by the pandemic. All research is anticipated to focus on particularly vulnerable populations based on existing evidence of increased mental health symptoms and illness and preexisting health disparities.